Smoking is one of those habits that have more demerits than benefits. For one thing, it has been associated with cardiovascular diseases, cancer and a high number of deaths. While those health problems may seem far into the future, its effect on oral health is more immediate. Despite warnings from doctors, dentists and health practitioners, millions of people continue to smoke every day and even... ❯❯❯
Tattoos have been a big part of human culture for thousands of years. In tribal nations, tattoos mark births, deaths and major life milestones. In western culture, many young people have adopted these philosophies – albeit with their own unique, postmodern twist. Yet, sometimes you grow up and realize that the tattoos you got as a youth are hindering you more than they are helping you, especially... ❯❯❯
A popular eastern approach to health and well being, meditation has long been viewed by those in the west as a practice reserved for mystics or monks. However, western science is catching up. Recent research, for instance, has resulted in more information about the scientific benefits of meditation. This research, popularized in a variety of scientific and lay magazines, has partly helped spread... ❯❯❯
There are several types of massages which each focus on the general purpose of relaxation and muscle and joint pain relief through the application of pressure on various points of the body. Each different type of massage focuses on different areas and can help relieve tension and work to benefit different conditions. The Trinacria Health Therapy Wollongong Massage offers various types of massage... ❯❯❯
Life can be very overwhelming. With all of the stressors we face on a daily basis, it's virtually impossible to completely avoid stressful situations. However, that doesn't mean you can't be in control of how you react to stress in your life. With the following 7 daily habits, you’ll be able to free your mind from anxiety: 1. Exercise Often Many studies find exercise to be incredibly effective... ❯❯❯
What is skin cancer? Skin cancer is defined as an abnormal growth and multiplication of the skin cells. For many years, it has been associated with exposure to sunlight rays. Research has concluded that although the ultraviolet radiations of the sun contribute to a high percentage of skin cancer diagnosed globally, there are other factors responsible for this menace. The common forms of skin... ❯❯❯
It’s incredibly common for us to not feel our best all the time. Even those that are incredibly successful and undeniably beautiful will have their days where they aren’t feeling 100 percent, or look a bit off. If you’re having one of those days where you just don’t feel yourself, your self-image may take a nose dive. To help you combat these feelings of negativity, we’ve brought together 7... ❯❯❯
Protein is single-handedly one of the most important nutrients for weight loss and is something that we recommend you continuously add to your diet – not only to lose weight but also to strengthen your muscle tissue. A high-protein diet can reduce your hunger levels by increasing satiety, boost your metabolism and build/repair muscle. Essentially, when you eat a lot of protein, your body is... ❯❯❯
Water constitutes up to 60% of the human body. Individual parts could contain more. An example is the brain where more than 70% is water. We need to take water to survive. The body can go for weeks without food but you can only last a few days without water. An adult should take at least 1 liter a day for the proper functioning of the body. While it is essential for human survival, not all water... ❯❯❯
Image from Unsplash Many individuals have undergone surgery procedures and achieved what they had hoped for after strategic planning. However, there are some who have plastic surgery ideas but have not yet experienced the process. The following are vital questions to ask before undergoing plastic surgery. 1. Is the Body Fit Enough to Undergo the Procedure? Plastic Surgery remains performed to... ❯❯❯