The use of Botox injections is considered as one of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures in the entire world. According to the American society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, more than 20 million people received Botox injection in the year 2011. The following is an overview on all about Botox treatment. What is Botox? Botox is a popular name for botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin protein which is... ❯❯❯
The perfect dress can make all the difference for a great night out, especially for a big event or special occasion. Just knowing you'll look great on the night can boost your self-confidence and helps you enjoy the evening to its fullest. When it comes to finding that perfect little party dress, bear in mind a few simple rules to ensure you end up looking positively gorgeous. Stick to these top... ❯❯❯
A professional bra fitting can corrected by a myriad of wrongs, but let’s be honest, not every woman has the time or is comfortable enough to schedule one. The good news is that no woman has to suffer the pinching, spilling over, sliding straps or red marks on the skin that bras can cause. There are plenty of comfortable bras out there in every shape, size, and color. Luckily, a good bra doesn’t... ❯❯❯
Ever looked back over old photos and wondered what your parents were thinking putting you in those brown trousers and pink jumper? No? Me neither! But my sister does quite regularly, and she’s the figure of fun in the family. Mainly because my mum is adamant she dressed herself that way. In all seriousness, it is strange looking back over family albums and seeing so many retro looks and... ❯❯❯
A lot of plastic surgeons report that the abdominal area is among the most requested areas for procedures, either by means of abdominal liposuction or through the popular “tummy tuck” procedure. Yet, UK patients often tend to mix up those two procedures, even though they are essentially different. And while the decision whether to go ahead with either procedure will be largely determined by a... ❯❯❯
If your eyes are bigger than your stomach, then perhaps the best way around this, is to make your food look bigger. Japanese researchers at the University of Tokyo, have recently hit upon a way to make food look bigger than it actually is, in order to make people feel fuller after eating less. Nothing can replace exercise and a diet with low fat and low sugar foods, for losing weight. However... ❯❯❯
The term "beauty products" alone is something that immediately smacks of artificiality, in today's society. The idea of wearing makeup, or doing your hair, seems to be nothing more than putting on a mask of sorts and "improving" yourself for the rest of the world. It is reasonable then, that people might feel a need to rebel against the mass produced beauty products and the artificial ingredients... ❯❯❯
Having a healthy looking tan has become an integral component in the beauty regime of men and women worldwide. Being a nation of sun worshippers, millions of us flock to holiday resorts all over the planet to ensure that we have that sun kissed look to show off around the office when we return. But in doing this, some of us are jeopordising our health by wearing little or no sunscreen and... ❯❯❯
As you flick through your favourite magazine, you will no doubt see pictures of celebrities with perfect looking faces, and smooth silky skin. Whilst some are lucky enough to maintain this look throughout the years, many are fortunate that air brushing is their favourite friend.However, for us mere mortals, there are no air brushes in sight when we head out to the local supermarket, and instead... ❯❯❯
I recently hit the big 3-0. And honestly it wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t feel any different, look any different. No biggie. But then I started to take notice of small changes with my body. And I don’t know if they’d been going on for awhile and I was just hyper aware because of turning 30 or what. I started to notice that my shape was changing. At first, I freaked out. I was used to... ❯❯❯