In today's world of glossy magazines, which are filled with thin, beautiful women, and reality shows full of glamorous celebrities; it's easy to find yourself chasing an impossible ideal. Moreover, it is especially easy to become obsessed with your own appearance and, specifically, weight loss. The truth is, no one is perfect, and many of the models on the covers of magazines are highly altered... ❯❯❯
We all want to look our best, but most of us are working with a budget when it comes to both time and money. And the beauty trade didn't become a multi-billion dollar industry by accident; products are not only expensive, but you often have to purchase several in order to get the best results and put in the extra time to use them all. So if you're a busy, modern woman on the go and you have other... ❯❯❯
Everyone wants their hair to look good, but there are some factors that are even more important than money when choosing the right product for your needs. You can pick up the priciest, salon-style hair products, but if half of the label sounds like a science experiment you'll be best served leaving it on the shelf. Chemicals and fillers in these products collect in your hair, weighing it down and... ❯❯❯
Men have long had to contend with the thinning conditions associated with male pattern baldness. But did you know that nearly 60% of women also experience some kind of hair loss during their lives? There are many causes for this, including genetics, hormones, and even medications (just to name a few), and while you might not think that you can combat the causes of thinning hair, or if you have... ❯❯❯
In the UK, about two thirds of adults have some form of sleeping problem and most adults have difficulty in sleeping at some point in their lives. The problem may be a difficulty in getting to sleep, or in waking up during the night or early morning. The result of sleeping problems will be tiredness and irritability during the day. Causes of sleeping problems Sleeping problems can have many... ❯❯❯
Salt is a common part of many people's diets as it is used for preserving and cooking certain foods, as well as being a popular seasoning and table condiment. The recommended daily amount for adults is 6g a day, which amounts to approximately one teaspoon, but you should try and aim for less than that as it can lead to a number of health complaints. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE There is a strong link... ❯❯❯
Not only is January a time for fresh starts and new beginnings, but for many it is also a period of intense dedication and effort. We all know how hard it is to put down that wine glass or that last bit of turkey and head off to the gym for a more wholesome lifestyle. Furthermore, discipline and self-restraint aren’t always the easiest attributes to come by in the midst of a Christmas carbohydrate... ❯❯❯
Many people who are not sufferers do not realize that adults can get acne. Many people, both men and women, who are in their 20s, 30’s, and older still, have to deal with acne and breakouts quite regularly. This can be just as embarrassing for adults as it is for teenagers who are thinking about prom. In some cases, it can be even worse because the adults have no idea why they are still getting... ❯❯❯
I don’t know about you, but I would love to be one of those girls who wake up looking fantastic. You know the type, the girl who has super clear skin, perfectly straight hair and who can nip to the shops in a pair of joggers and look sexy. It’s hard not to be jealous and sometimes when I see such a girl saunter into view I have to physically restrain myself from slapping her in the face; but,... ❯❯❯
If you already eat a balanced and healthy diet and exercise regularly, but still cannot reach your goal weight, it could be that some of these tricks can help you reach your final goal. These tricks are no substitution for eating healthy foods and getting consistent exercise, but they can help you avoid overeating and other problems that can lead to weight gain or get in the way of weight loss. ... ❯❯❯