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5 Things You Should Know Before Purchasing Sunscreen

There is so much fun that comes with the summer season. Long days at the beach or in the park. Countless hours at the lake or in the pool. A wardrobe that’s filled with nothing but tank tops, shorts and flip-flops. However, what also comes with summer is rays from the sun that, if you don’t make sure to protect your skin, they could lead to sunburn or even skin cancer. That’s why it’s imperative that you make sure to apply some sunscreen onto your body every single day.

But before you run to the store to pick you up a bottle, we wanted to provide you with a list of five things that we think you should know before you make your purchase. That way, you can feel good about what you’re getting.
Check these tips out:

Make sure it’s waterproof. One thing that you definitely want is the kind of sunscreen that is waterproof. After all, it’s supposed to protect your skin no matter what and even on the days when you’re not swimming, you’re probably going to sweat. So, pick the kind that has waterproof on the label. It’s the smarter investment.

Avoid certain chemicals. When you’re walking down the aisle and looking at all of the brands that are available, it’s a good idea to look on the bottles to see if they have the following ingredients in them: oxybenzone, retinyl palmitate and parabens. If you see those, that’s not the right brand for you. Oxybenzone absorbs ultraviolet rays but it also can lead to cell damage; retinyl palmitate may actually increase your risk of skin cancer and parabens imitate the hormone estrogen; too much of that in your body may lead to breast cancer.

Opt for the “broad spectrum”. Although UVB rays help your skin to tan, they are also the reason why many people burn. UVA rays are the ones that cause people to have skin with a bit of a leather-like texture. One way to prevent these rays from penetrating your skin’s layers is by purchasing sunscreen that has “broad spectrum” listed on the bottle. That way, your skin will be “extra covered”.

Don’t get the “2-for-1″ kind. There are some skin care products that are marketed as being both a sunscreen as well as a bug repellant. Although initially that might sound like a pretty good “2-for-1″ deal, the reality is that not only are you applying an extra dose of chemicals onto your skin, but it’s not the best idea to apply bug repellant to your face. Therefore, try and go without getting sunscreen that “doubles up” as a bug repellant too.

Consider making your own. If you’re curious about how you can use the kind of sunscreen that has far less chemicals and will also save you money, you might want to consider making some of your own. While initially it might seem a bit complex, it’s actually fairly simple to do. All you need to do is combine some zinc oxide, beeswax, coconut oil and Aloe Vera gel. For complete instructions on how to make it, visit Kidz World and put “how to make homemade sunscreen” in the search field.

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