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Let Your Smile Shime with Cosmetic Dentistry

For many people, a significant part of their confidence in how they look is connected to their teeth. If you feel uncomfortable about your teeth, you might try not to let anyone see your smile. And if you can't smile freely, it's difficult to feel or look confident and beautiful. Visiting your dentist isn't just for getting fillings and cleanings. You can also have cosmetic procedures done to make your teeth look better. If you're unhappy with the way your teeth look, you can explore your options to have them changed. Read on to find out about some of the things you can do.


Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening has to be the most popular cosmetic dentistry option. Many people get their teeth whitened because they prefer the look. Some people feel that whitened teeth look healthier or just cleaner. Others might have stained teeth from their diet or smoking and want to correct them. Teeth whitening uses bleach to alter the color of your teeth. You can have it done by your dentist, but it's also possible to do it at home. Home whitening strips can be effective, although you may have to use them more often. Your dentist can also give you a whitening kit to take home.


Veneers are used to give your teeth a new look and feel. They can help you to get a more even look across all of your teeth. So if you feel you have gaps, or your teeth are all different shapes and sizes, you might be interested in veneers. They are made from small pieces of porcelain which you can add to your teeth. You can use them to repair chips and cracks in your front teeth or to close up gaps. They're also excellent for discolored teeth if you want to make them whiter.


Bridges and Implants

If you're missing a tooth, you don't necessarily have to replace it. You need to take care of the gum, but a new tooth isn't essential. However, many people would much prefer to have a replacement. You can feel self-conscious about having a gap, but you have a couple of options for filling it. Bridges will replace one or more teeth by attaching a false tooth to the teeth either side. It's better for you if you don't like dentures. Implants, on the other hand, use titanium rods in your jawbone to hold the teeth in place. Dentists such as the Alcan Dental Group provide these services to help you replace the teeth you are missing.


Capture the Upcaturable

Teeth Straightening

It's never too late to straighten your teeth. The typical image of someone with braces might be a spotty teenager, but adults can have braces too. In fact, you can get "invisible" types so that you can hardly see that you're wearing braces. If you want to have straighter teeth, don't let the idea of wearing braces put you off.

Feel more confident when you choose to have your teeth altered. You'll feel more free to smile if you're not trying to hide them away.

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