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Is It Time for a New You?

Do you awake in the morning and feel like it is time for a new you?

Maybe those thoughts come later in the day or even in the evening hours.

No matter when they may come, such feelings are not all that uncommon. In fact, many individuals have them on a regular basis.

In the event you are one of those people, what do you plan to do about it?

Plastic Surgery Could Be the Answer

For millions of Americans, the answer to finding a “new” person is in fact plastic surgery.

Now before you run out and decide this is for you, it is imperative that you think through such a decision.

While plastic surgery is generally safe, any surgery always brings with it a risk or two.

So that you can be as sure as possible you have found the right plastic surgeon for your needs, be it San Diego Plastic Surgery or another such service nationwide, check-off the following:

  • Reputation – For starters, the reputation of any plastic surgeon should be at the top of your list. Does he or she have a reputation that is second to none? Do they have a personality that puts you at ease with them from the start (see more below)? Is their customer service record (see more below) one that stands out in a positive way? These are just a few of the important factors in play. When you’re dealing with something as personal and important as plastic surgery, getting the choice of the plastic surgeon wrong is not an option;
  • History – Whether the plastic surgeon you are considering has been in the business for a short period of time or much longer than that, their history with patients is something to never be overlooked. Have they had any issues with medical boards, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) over the time they’ve been in business? If so, were they minor or major matters? Major issues should certainly draw a red flag. These can include cases of litigation and more;
  • Customer service – Not only is your plastic surgeon important, but his or her staff is of critical importance too. Do they take the time not only before a surgical procedure to help answer all your questions, but afterwards too? You may have great affection and respect for your plastic surgeon, but if his or her staff is not treating you with respect and dignity that can sour everything. One way to find out about a plastic surgeon’s customer service is by asking others that have used the practice. Were they happy with not only the surgery, but also how they were treated before and during follow-up care (see more below)? If not, what were their complaints? You can turn to asking those you know who’ve had plastic surgery, but another option is social media. While reviews on social sites can be like 12 people seeing a movie and that same dozen all having differing opinions, hearing others and their experiences with plastic surgery and there facility of choice can be helpful;
  • Pricing – Costs for plastic surgery tend to vary (depending on a number of factors), so there is typically not a set price for one procedure over another. Given that plastic surgery is generally viewed as an elective procedure, many insurance companies will not offer to cover such surgeries. That said it does not hurt to check around and see if you may be able to get some coverage if your plastic surgery is in fact due to a health-related condition. Also check with various plastic surgery facilities to see what kind of payment plans they may offer;
  • Follow-up – Finally, the follow-up care a plastic surgeon and his or her staff give you is just as important as the procedure itself. Do they stick with you and answer any and all questions you have, show genuine care, and work with you if you are having financial issues when it comes to paying them? If you can answer yes to all three of these items, that is definitely a plus.

Your health goals should be one of the most important facets of your life.

That being the case, it is important when considering plastic surgery that you find a surgeon that puts your needs first and not the other way around.

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