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How Dry Needling Can Help You Look Younger

Currently, there are various high-end cosmetic treatments in the market; however, surprisingly, the most effective product is little-known to many. But, those who have patronized the procedure have remained loyal, declaring the process as the most effective and reliable treatment to gain a younger look. The procedure is known as Dry Needling!

An overview of Dry Needling

Dry needling is a natural practice based on Western roots and principles. With delicate, solid filament needles, the practice helps to fix several cosmetic beauty issues. Once the needle is inserted about 1mm deep into the skin, the natural healing processes of the soft tissues will be stimulated by generating new cells, skin thickening, as well as enhancement of skin appearance and texture.

Dry needling is completely natural as it enhances natural collagen production within the body. Since 1980, the treatment has been considered as a genuine and reliable practice. In the past few years, the procedure has become more popular than ever as people benefit significantly from the lasting benefits and few side effects. 

Dry Needling as a cosmetic treatment; how does it work?

When it comes to the use of dry needling as a cosmetic treatment, the benefits are numerous. For instance, dry needling helps reduce scars and wrinkles, including acne, burns, scarring caused by chickenpox, post-surgical scars, among others. Also, the treatment help corrects stretch marks, skin discoloring, pigmentation, dark spots, etc.

However, considering that new scars, raised or red scars are usually incredibly soft, dry needling is not advisable as a cosmetic treatment. Instead, you should apply dry needling on scars which have been existing for close to 12 months. 

What is the procedure involved in Dry Needling?

According to Tori Smedley from A1 Myotherapy, Dry Needling practice is not really painful as most patients only feel a slight pinch. Usually, within one hour, the procedure will be complete; however, the duration may vary depending on the depth of the wrinkles or the vastness of the scar.

Essentially, the treatment takes effect by stimulating the production of new collagen, which helps raise the skin higher from the underneath. By so doing, the lines, scars, and wrinkles will be reduced. Also, you can use dry needling to treat other similar body imperfections to close to 80%. 

What are the side effects of Dry Needling?

Once you are treated with dry needling, a mild soreness may emerge for close to 48 hours on the spot. In other cases, you may experience bruising. However, you can correct the side effects by applying heat or ice pad to the affected spots.

Also, some ointments, zinc-based sunscreen, peptides, or serums can be used to alleviate the redness after treatments. Alternatively, you can speed up the healing process with a mineral make-up, which is quite easy to apply on the skin. 

Results and follow-up treatments

Dry needling is quite famous for several reasons – among them is being a fuss-free treatment and offers a lasting solution. In fact, after the initial treatment, you can enjoy the benefits for years. Within a few weeks, you will start to notice the regenerating effects while the process will continue in your body during the next few months. 

The human body is different from one another, and factors such as age, genetics, and lifestyle will greatly determine the effects and success rates of the procedure. However, the constant thing is that scars and wrinkles will be smoothed out while damaged skin or discoloration will be improved by needling. Also, naturally, the treatment helps restore skin structure and elasticity through skin thickening and tightening.

For follow-up treatments, you should consider at least one to three treatments with 6 to 8-week space between subsequent treatments. Also, maintenance therapy over a long period is recommendable to balance the impact of natural influence on our bodies.

You can click on to learn more about dry needling services, or to book an appointment.

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