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Going Under The Knife? Here’s What They Don’t Tell You Beforehand

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Sometimes, you get ill. And, sometimes, the only way to cure the illness is to have surgery. The thought of going under the knife will send shivers down a lot of readers spines. It is okay that the idea of surgery gives you goosebumps because it is a major procedure. All you have to do is makes sure that you are prepared for it beforehand. Then, the process won’t seem too scary.

The problem is that you can’t prepare for surgery if you don’t have all of the details. Your doctors will give you some indication of what it is like, but they only give you the basics. For starters, they think that they will confuse you with all the technical stuff. And secondly, they think they will scare you if they tell you all the grizzly details. Well, it is your body and your life, so you want to know all the details before you head to the theater.

Here are the things that they don’t tell you when you have surgery.

Surgery Isn’t The Only Option

The doctors might think it is the best option, but that doesn’t mean it is the only one. Yes, it could cure all of your ailments and make you whole again. And, in a lot of cases, that is what happens. But, it can also go wrong. It is important to remember that you are putting your life in the surgeon’s hands when you are on the operating table, and one slip could be fatal. If that seems like too much of a risk to take, you need an alternative. Always ask your doctor about your options before you settle on one. When you ask them, they will have to tell you about all the alternatives.

You’re Allowed A Second Opinion

To make sure you’re doing the right thing, ask for a second opinion. It might seem rude, but you want to know every detail before you lie on the operating table. After all, it’s your body. Analysis from another doctor will either tell you what you’re doing is right, or give you doubts. Either way, it will guide you in the right direction.

But It’s Effective

Most patients will go with surgery because they understand that it is their best option. Plus, the doctor pretty much gives it away when they suggest the treatment. After all, they are professionals. But, why do doctors promote the treatment and patients listen? It’s because surgery works. If you take away the minor surgeries that are now routine in 2016, surgery still has an above average success rate. Of course, anything can go wrong when you are dealing with the human body. But, for the most part, surgeons are competent enough to do a good job.

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They Might Use The Defibrillator

They will only use the defibrillator if something goes seriously wrong. To be honest, most people don’t object to this anyway because it will save your life. Yes, there are afib treatment challenges that make administering afib hard work. Still, the people in charge are experts and know exactly how to act in the most serious scenarios. In fact, these people thrive under pressure. You shouldn’t worry too much about it because there is a small chance they will need it. All the same, it is nice to know.

It’s As Much Mental As It Is Physical

Because surgery is a physical treatment, you might focus on the physical side. Obviously, that is a massive part of going under the knife, but there is another side to it also. Surgery takes a toll on your mental health as much as it does your physical health. Before, during and after the procedure, you will have thoughts running through your head that can affect your health. For example, some people think ‘what if I don’t get through it?' While others think ‘what if I can’t recover afterwards?' Trying to predict the future isn’t going to do you any favors. All you can do is focus on the present and get your mind in shape to fight the battle.

Research Is Vital

The best way to prepare mentally and physically is to educate yourself on the subject. Thanks to the Internet, it is easy to learn about all the different factors with regards to surgery. All you have to do is a quick Google search, and the materials will occur before your eyes. With the information, you can start to understand what surgery is going to be like. The worst thing about being on the operating table is the fact that it’s foreign. Because you have never had it before, you don’t know what to expect. And, that scares people stiff. At least with a bit of research, you can gain more understanding. Hopefully, that will ease any doubts or fears that you have and make the process much easier to handle. One tip that might come in handy is to talk to other people on forums. Forums are full of like-minded people who have been through what you are going through. So, their advice is invaluable.

Recovery Takes Longer Than You Think

Even though the doctor warns you that you might be out of commission for a while, you don’t believe him. Lots of people are like that because they can’t comprehend how they are going to feel afterwards. The truth is that you are going to be in pain, and you are not going to bounce back within a couple of weeks. If it is major surgery, you need at least three months to recuperate. And, that is just for improved mobility. For some, it can take six to eight months before they feel like they did before the surgery. Remember that surgery takes a huge toll on your body. As a result, you won’t be back to full fitness for a long time.

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It’s Hard To Adjust Back To Your Normal

Surgery takes it out of you and your body. The result is that you might find it hard to transition back to your ‘normal’ life’. In truth, the term normal is a little bit misleading because your life will change. At least, it will change until you fully recover from the surgery. You need to understand that you can’t do everything you did before, and you need to take it slow. It might be a cliché, but one step at a time is a good motto to remember. Also, you have to adjust to boredom. The one thing that you won’t think of is how bored you will be after the treatment. Because you are bed and house-ridden and can’t move, you’re limited in what you can do on a day to day basis. Again, take it day by day. If you try and look into the future, the days will go by even longer than before.

Because It Hurts Afterwards

The one thing that doctors leave out of their notes is that recovering from surgery is painful. Maybe they expect you to understand, or maybe they think you won’t understand until you feel the pain. Either way, they neglect to pass on the information. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the truth is that surgery hurts. You might not feel it while you under general anesthetic, but you will feel it when you wake. It is mainly scar tissue that causes the problem. Putting pressure on scar tissue hurts, but scar tissue also puts pressure on other parts of the body. For example, spine surgery hurts as the tissue presses on the nerve roots. It might not be nice, but get ready to feel the pain.  

Having It Earlier Would Have Been Beneficial

This one is for the patients that are struggling to make their minds up about the pros and cons of surgery. By all means, take your time and come to an informed decision. However, realize that putting surgery off could make your situation worse. You might not like the idea of being cut open, but it could save your life. At the least, it will improve your life. When you hesitate, you allow the situation to escalate and get worse.

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Surgery Isn’t As Bad As People Think

There are surgeries that are by no means routine. A triple heart bypass, for instance, isn’t going to be a walk in the park. However, most surgeries are not as complex or as difficult as a heart bypass. In fact, the majority of them are becoming more and more routine. The quality of the doctors, their team, and the equipment make it much easier to get it right. All in all, surgery is nowhere near as bad as it was in the past. And, for the most part, it is nowhere near as bad as people like to think nowadays. Forget about the horror stories and the myths because that’s all they are.

Surgery is a big deal, so make sure you are aware of all the details.

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