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6 Drinks to Avoid For Prettier Teeth & Better Dental Health

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

While what we eat is important to our general health, food also affects the nature of our teeth. Eating foods that are high in sugar can have unhealthy consequences on our teeth, but especially when we intake that sugar through a liquid form. Some beverages have an unhealthy pH balance and high sugar count that we are less aware of. Here are six drinks you should avoid.

1. Soda

Though a cold can of something fizzy sounds good on a hot day, it’s not the best option for your teeth. The difference between diet and regular soda is the sugar content, but both varieties still cause enamel decay, resulting in cavities. This is likely due to the acidity of the beverage. When it comes to your drinks, you want a higher pH level. So low pH levels like in a classic Coco-Cola or Pepsi, which both have pH levels around 2.5, aren’t the best option for your teeth.

2. Coffee

Coffee has a higher pH level than most sodas, so it’s not the acidity you need to worry about, it’s the staining components in coffee. Coffee drinkers may know that a morning cup of joe has the power to make your teeth an unfortunate yellow color by showing the dentin beneath your enamel. Plus, if you are a fan of sugars and creamers in your coffee, be wary of cavities.

3. Tea

If you are looking for something to warm you besides coffee, a nice mug of tea might do the trick. However, be careful about what blend of tea you choose as some teas can stain your teeth similar to coffee. These blends are typically darker and in the black variety.

4. Alcohol

Though a glass of wine at dinner or a cocktail at a holiday dinner can seem appealing, know the dental risks you are taking before you order a drink. Most alcoholic drinks, including beer and wine, have an acid pH level under 4.4. Not to mention that red wine can leave tough stains on your teeth.

5. Juice

Juice, despite being made from fruits, has an insane amount of sugar. Some juices even have as much sugar as some brands of soda. If you are giving juice to children as a “better” alternative to soda, it might not be doing you much good. Try watering down juice to cut the sugar content and make it stretch further.

6. Sports drinks

Unless you are out running around or playing a sport, it’s probably wise to lay off the Gatorade. Sports drinks are full of sodium and sugars to help athletes maintain their energy and balance their salt levels, but if you are simply sitting around, they won’t do you any good. Plus, with all the sugars, they will quickly wear down your tooth enamel.

With all these drinks to avoid, you may wonder, “what can I drink?” Water and milk are excellent drink options due to their high pH level and less sugar; plus they contain healthy minerals and nutrients like fluoride and calcium. The truth is, however, that you can drink anything you want, but you should do so in moderation for both your overall health and your teeth. If you do drink these beverages, you shouldn’t brush your teeth right after. Brushing softened enamel can do more harm for your teeth than good. If you start to experience any tooth pain, visit to discuss your pain with a dentist.

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