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Ramp Up Your Walking Regime

Have you gotten stuck on the couch? It’s just as easy to fall out of a healthy walking routine as it is to develop a new one. Today is the best day to jumpstart and ramp up your walking routine. Follow these recommendations from the health and fitness professionals to get back in the walking grove. We’ve heard too many times that sitting can be just as damaging to your health as smoking. This is unfortunately very true. The fact of the matter is, our bodies were not designed to be sedentary. You will feel better, look better and have substantially more energy if you’ve committed to a daily walking regime.

To get started, take advantage of the awesome savings offered by Groupon coupons and head to Kohls to select a pair of athletic shoes from their huge selection. Your feet will thank you. The keys to a sustainable waling regime are both variety and consistency. Changing the location of your walks while committing to a daily outing will motivate you to stick with it! Changes in your body will be an added motivator. You’ll experience increased stamina, energy and muscle development. Enlist a friend, canine or otherwise, download a book from Audible or hook up to your favorite tunes. Spice up the location of your walks. Neighborhood walks are wonderful, convenient and easy. Try hiking in a local park or forest nearby. When the weather doesn’t cooperative, consider heading to a big box store or mall. Walk the perimeter for thirty minutes and you’ll have the employees waving at you in no time!

Consider investing in a fitness tracker. This can be a huge motivator to keep track of your steps, distance and time. Set goals and watch your successes unfold on the fitness tracker’s dashboard App. That will serve as a huge motivator to continue. Best of luck to you and your new healthy lifestyle as you walk your way to fitness. Get started today!

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