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How to Get Glowing Skin this Spring

If your skin is looking dull and dry, it’s time to step up your skincare regime for spring. If you want skin that glows, here are five steps to complete.

Cleanse Tone and Moisturise

If you want to improve the appearance of your skin it is essential to master the basics. Your skincare kit should include a high quality cleanser, toner and moisturiser that complements your individual skin type. A rich cleanser will remove all traces of makeup and leave your face feeling squeaky clean. Follow this with a sweep of toner to close pores and remove any leftover cleanser. Lastly, use a luxurious moisturiser to hydrate your skin and leave it feeling smooth. Complete this ritual twice daily, once in the morning and once at night.

Exfoliate Every Week

Once a week, it is wise to remove any dead skin cells with a premium exfoliator.  This weekly ritual will help you to uncover your skin’s natural beauty and improve your complexion at speed. If you wish to exfoliate on a more regular basis, use a gentle formula that won’t strip your skin of natural oils.

Use a Brightening Facial

Sometimes our skin needs a special treat, so once a month why not spoil yourself with a luxurious face mask? There are hundreds of masks to choose from but many brands include a brightening one in their range. A mask such as this is designed to revitalise your skin and by making sure you choose a mask that boasts naturally active ingredients  this will ensure you get maximum results. Opt for one that includes Aloe Vera, White Clay and Witch hazel.

Invest in a BB Cream

The latest beauty trend on the beauty block is the BB Cream. If you haven’t tried this yet, it’s very much like a foundation but it is lighter on the skin. Designed to give you a healthy glow without appearing too heavy, BB creams are guaranteed to boost your glow potential.

Shop for Serum

Still feel like your skin is missing out on something? Serums are big on the beauty scene right now and if you want your skin to appear illuminated, they are a worthy investment. A top quality serum can be expensive but the results are phenomenal. Beautique’s creme de la mer collection includes a premium serum that brightens your skin and is packed with antioxidants.

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